By Nate Robinson (Head of Wallet and Application, ArcBlock)

On Aug 16, 2021, DID Wallet released version 3.4.0 for Android.

The major updates are as follows:

  • Support WalletConnect
  • Supports Token equality
  • Disable notification optimization
  • The notification service connection function is optimized
  • Auth page details optimization
  • Import backup, there will be a Loading intermediate page, optimize the import experience
  • Ethereum acceleration/cancellation logic optimization
  • Support hidden fiat amount display
  • Built-in app open page, add active refresh button
  • Fixed some other known issues

Here are some of the updated details:

Supports the WalletConnect protocol

Starting with Android V3.4.0, we will officially support the WalletConnect protocol. Using the DID Wallet, you can easily connect to the Ethereum ecosystem Dapp (if the Dapp supports the WalletConnect protocol).

Support for the WalletConnect protocol will be added to the iOS side following the Android version

  1. Create WalletConnect Connection

wallet connect 1 en

  1. Respond to signed transaction request

sign tx en

  1. Respond to the signed message request

sign message en

Support hidden fiat amount display

hide value en

Download or update your wallet experience for more improvements.