Since it's release in 2019, ArcBlock's decentralized identity wallet has become the gold standard of decentralized identity wallets and delivers the most comprehensive and user-friendly experience for today's decentralized web.


ABT Wallet

ABT Wallet was the industries first fully decentralized wallet that delivers real functionality in a user friendly design, and has been a core component of ArcBlock's development platform since its launch more than year ago. Anyone who has registered for ArcBlock Devcon 2020 has seen first hand how the wallet can be used for things decentralized identity, how to buy, store and transfer digital assets in the wallet, and the endless possibilities of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

nate wallet

The Keys to the Decentralized World

With less than 6-days until ArcBlock DevCon 2020 one of key topics for the event is ABT Wallet. ArcBlock Software Engineer Nate Robinson will deliver a deep-dive workshop titled(ABT Wallet: The Key to Decentralized World) that details key concepts and designs of the wallet, core user functionality and a live demonstration that showcases the endless possibilities for developers and businesses.

6 days countdown

Register today!